Project Freedom (13): Multiple-Time-Frame Analysis

Attached video and chart are self-explanatory.
Understand this concept would help traders/investors to insist in using Multiple-Time-Frames when analysing their charts.

(Click to Zoom-in for Full Screen Video)
Dow Theory Three Movements need Multiple-Time-Frame Analysis


The chart shows that:
1) Stock move the fastest when the three waves move in same direction.
2) Always trade in-sync with the direction of the Primary Wave.
3) Good Entry points with highest Reward/Risk Ratio are when the Primary Trend is UP while shorter terms have came down, Pull-Back Entry.

Multiple Time Frames and Sector Rotation Examples: Click on Picture to Zoom In

-----------------------------   7 Sep 2024  -------------------------------

-----------------------------   31 Aug 2024  -------------------------------

-----------------------------   28 Aug 2024  -------------------------------

Multiple Time Frames Examples:

Sector Rotation Examples:

Personal Finance (14): A Multiple-Time-Frame BBC Indicators on STI

Text Deleted on 2016-04-11

Run when you should run, stay when you should stay.

Personal Finance (13): A Confession of a Public Fund Manager In China

Good day,

Attached, ---8<  Cut and Paste >8---- , is the last portion of an article by a public fund manager in China confessing why he can never beat he "super wealth transfer machine"(stock market system) and decided to quit his job.  And, after all, in his 10 years of career as fund manager, he already made more than 10million RMB as a salary despite losing money for his clients...  

The full article, in Chinese, can be read from the link attached:

---------------------------------------Cut and Paste---------------------------------------------
  中国XX基金管理公司 XXX基金经理
--------------------------------End of Cut and Pate ---------------------------------------------

Any way, here is a very very brief summary with the KEY FACTOR of why he can't win:
"The author, 10 years fund manager in China, described that the stock market is a wealth transfer machine.... Due to the fact that the fund managers, by Law and software system, must keep at least 60% of the money in the market. Even if the fund manager want to get out of the stock and keep cash when the market is clearly in down trend or even crashing, the software would not allow them to sell...."

Here are some points of ponder:
Now, the above chart showng the China Shanghai and ShenZhen 300 index (SSE300).  There is clearly more down trend than up trend for the past 5 over years.  And, if one were not only can't short the market, but also must spend at least 60% of the fund to purchase stocks at any point of the time.  As a Public Fund Manager, how can they make money as the calculated probability seriously against them?

Anyway, this is  the rules and regultion for fund managers world-wide.  Imagine IF there is no such rule, what would happen, if most fund managers try to find exits for cash?

Now, what would you do IF you are a fund manager under such rule?
The manager would at least want to beat the overall market index by selling the worse sectors/stocks and get a ride on the better sectors/stocks.

So, in order to sell 10% worth of weak stocks in his portfolio, the fund manager MUST FIRST purchase at least 10% of the equal value of stronger stocks before the software system allow him to sell the weak one.

This would result in lot of money rushing into relatively handful of sectors/stocks and result in sharp rally!

For Example:  Some Internet/Games companies are the current percieved "safe harbour" and the money is rushing in at this point of time:(QIHU,DATE,GAME,YY)

..the above are just a few, can include the famous BIDU (but the up side is may not be that great as high price stock generally move slower... but safer).

It is better off spend your resources (time and money) to learn and DIY.  The chances is very much higher. 

AND, off course... don't do this:  Dash into the market without going throuh a proper stock market training, withot going through adequate paper practice, and without a reliable trading system.  It is like the message from the following cartoon I found in facebook. :-)

Thank you for your time, and

Bless You
KH Tang


Personal Finance (12): Guru Rotation in the Financial Market

There are many famous Gurus in the financial market, and their philosophies are pretty well accepted by their followers (subscribers).

Take for examples:
1. Jim Rogers is the icon represents long term investment in the commodities market.

2. Marc Faber, also known as Dr. Doom, advocates that the market is collapsing, collapsing, and collapsing...

3. Stephen Leeb is using the "Peak Oil" as a backgroud and focus on Energy Sector.

4.  Peter Schiff is singing about the collapsing US Dollar and Accumulates physical gold or GLD (ETFs).

And, when they are correct, they will occupy everywhere in the media and get more followers.

Now... As shown in the charts, they were ALL CORRECT at certain point of time in a "Rotational Manner".

So...  Don't you think that having a "market neutral mentality", doing your study, understand and follow the market actions with the charts, and perform asset class rotation is a better deal?

See what the successful Trader and Trainer in the Stock Market, Richard D. Wyckoff, had to say:

Very true!  In my view, most of the publication on financial advices and news are just like Coke or  genetic modified foods.  They are are produced for the public consumption with the intention of making a profits out of it.  The earlier one chooses to stop taking them, the earlier he gets healthier.

In a Nutshell : Why Market Rotation?
The stock market, as of today, is working like a Giant Ponzi Scheme as a Whole, which is formed by Multiple Smaller Ponzi Schemes as Sectors, Countries and Individual Stocks.  The Public Media would help to Rotate in Bubbling few Sectors/Countries//Stocks at a time for profiteering and dump the shares to the public, let them burst, and then ROTATE the operation to Other Sectors/Stocks.

"What information consumes is rather obvious:
it consumes the attention of the recipents. 
Hence a wealth of information creates
a poverty of attention." 
- Herbert Simon 

<Go to Home>

Project Freedom (12): Livermore Secret Market Key on Price Chart

Jesse Livermore (July 26, 1877 – November 28, 1940) is one of the most famous legendary traders in stock market.  His intriguing hero’s journey in the Wall Street was well recorded in the book – “Reminiscences of a Stock Operator” by American author Edwin Lefèvre.   And, this book is widely quoted in many trading books and recommended in many trading classes.

But, not many people know about his “Livermore Secret Market Key” which was written by himself and published in 1940.  This book can now being found in Wikipedia Link for free download.
Jesse Livermore spent up to 40% of his book in explaining the technical details of his operation in the stock market.  The challenge is for the reader to understand and implement it.
Unfortunately, it is not a simple task to understand the method in table form.  For there was no programming flow-chart during his time, he used a table and long procedures to go through how to fill it up.  Most beginners will lost his way in their first few attempts.
The objective of this article is to demonstrate that the 6-columns table can be programmed into 6-levels of band in modern price chart, and it would faciliate the readers to visualize the interaction of Jesse Livermore Secret Key and the stocks. 

Fig 1.  Transformation of Livermore Secret Market Key from Table to Price Chart. 

Fig 2. The Livermore  Secret Market Key in Action.

One of the famous quote from Jesse Liver more is:
"Wall Street never changes, the pockets change, the suckers change, the stocks change, but Wall Street never changes, because human nature never changes".

So, What do you think?   IF he is still around today and using the same method, written 70+ years ago, can he still make money?

The following are various charts using Livermore Secret Market Key and they clearly demonstrate that he is right.  For this method is advocating Trend Trading and ignore minor noise (which means do not run in and out of a stock too frequently).

A Minor Change in the Rule:

During his time, Jesse Livermore used fixed amount of dollar to define the "Levels of Band" as filter, similar to Point and Figure charting method using 3 point change.  But as of today, there are stocks trade more than hundreds or thousands of dollar, so two types of changes can be applied to the original method to see the effect.  The first change in the method is, logically, using the fixed percentage change, and second, using the fixed amount of Average True Range(ATR) for the band's level.

Fig 3. Livermoare Secret Market Key applied on SnP500 ETF(SPY) (Weekly)
In Figure 3, the upper chart shows the "Fix Percent Band" while the lower chart shows the "ATR Band".

Fig 4. Livermoare Secret Market Key applied on SnP Financial Sector ETF(SPY) (Weekly)

There are two points to be made in Figure 4 (Click and Zoom In).
1) It is Crystal Clear that if one were to follow the weekly chart religiously, he will not suffer from the 2008 financial crisis. For the chart shows a clear down trend.

2) Using "ATR Method"  is superior than "Fix Percentage Method", for every stock/commodity/ETF has its own characteristics in terms of Volatility.  Using ATR method help to adjust the band-level automatically for all vehicles.

So, from here on, the following charts will ONLY use ATR band (Dynamic Band that self-adjust to the stock volatility) as demonstration.

Fig 5. Some Hot stocks - Apple and Google (Weekly).

Yes.  Due to whatever reason, even till today, there are still people using "Buy and Hold" method in the market.  From the above Chart, there are two points we can learn:
1)  IF the Goal is to make profit from the market, follows the trend.  NEVER EVER ARGUE with the price chart.  IF the Goal is to PROVE he is right that the stock will eventually go up again some time in the future while the chart moving down, by all means, let him hold on as long as he like.

2) IF the market is on side-way, using Trend Trading Method would incur in lost, therefore, one need to learn to learn the master the skill of CUTTING LOST.  It would be so much better to acknowledge that was only a small error made in the market rather than let it continue to grow and eventually becomes a BIG MISTAKE.

The following are more charts to illustrate the points mentioned above.

Fig 6. Commodity - Silver and Gold ETFs (Weekly)
Fig 7. Commodity - Argriculture and Commodity Index (Weekly)

NOTE: If Argiculture commodity is moving down or in a side way, chances that those related companies are not performing too, even if whatever fundamental data of the stock are strong.  Use the money to invest someway else, and wait untill the relevant commodity to move up, then buy the related stocks.

Fig 8. Malaysia KLSE Index and Singapore STI (Weekly)

Fig 9. Hong Kong HSI and Japan Nikkei 225 Index (Weekly)

It is very interesting to note that Malaysia market has performed so much better among her few Aisa peers since the 2008 global finacial crisis.  My guess is that the DID NOT lose so much money in that crisis in the US Banks as compare to the others. :-)

"There are many times when I have been completely in cash, especially when I was unsure of the direction of the
market and waiting for a confirmation
of the next move...."
Jesse Livermore

------------------  Additional Information  Added on 11 Aug 2014 -----------------------

Excerpt from the book - Jesse Livermore's Methods of Trading in Stocks - written by Richard D. Wyckoff

He arrives at his office ,which is on one of the upper floors of a big down town skyscraper. There is no name on the door. It consists of a reception room,private offices for some of his assistants. and his own private office,separated by swinging doors from his This is an oblong room with a long silicate quotation board on one side and a row of windows opposite. On the board are exhibited quotations for thirty or forty of the leading active stocks, and a few each of the active futures in cotton, wheat, corn and oats. The quotation board is not arranged according to the ordinary custom prevailing in brokerage houses. The changes in quotations are not posted by means of printed tickets containing merely the opening, high, low and last figures; instead , each stock has its own column running the full length of the board. in which the various changes in quotations are written with chalk, with the numerous sales strung along down below the abbreviations. He prefers this kind of board because it gives him a line on the swings of a stock, the extent of its rallies and reactions, as well as its relative activity. The volume of trading does not appear on the board; he gets this from the tape.

(Also in the the book - there is a concise chapter on Tape Reading)
Chapter 4. How Livermore Reads The Tape
                 How He Judges The Turning Points
                 How He Plays The Intermediate Swings


In Short, the Jesse Livermore Secret Market Key is NOT COMPLETE without integration of the trading volume from Tape Reading.

----------------- Additional Information Added on 25 Sep 2014 ----------------------------
From Investopedia:

"Dark PoolsDark pools are an ominous-sounding term for private exchanges or forums for trading securities; "

"The current controversy surrounding dark pools may lead one to think that they are a recent innovation, but they have actually been around since the late 1980s. Non-exchange trading in the U.S. has surged in recent years, accounting for about 40% of all U.S. stock trades in 2014 compared with 16% six years ago. Dark pools have been at the forefront of this trend towards off-exchange trading, accounting for 15% of U.S. volume as of 2014, according to figures given by industry insiders."

Personal Finance (11): Financial Self-Defense - A Critical Personal Skill to Live in This Modern World Economy

Let's go through some financial facts:

* On Governments' Investment:
Few weeks ago, I was wondering what is going on with the "World Islands" that build by Dubai as there is no news about it...  And found that these islands are sinking back to the sea!
Then, I wanted to figure out what was the development cost...  And found from the Wikipedia that: "The World's overall development costs were estimated at US$14billion in 2005".
Oh!  That's lot of money gone into the sea.

Then, I figure out that Government of Singapore Investment Corp. had lost USD41.6billion, or Three "World Islands", in US Market alone, during the 2008 financial crisis according to WSJ:

* On Personal Insurance and Investment Scheme:

Now let's look in to the price chart one of the global insurance company: AIG
(Yahoo Chart)
I AM curious how AIG is going to pay back all their clients long term life insurance and investment scheme, in long run, as the baby boomers are starting to collect their matured contracts now...

Others Ponzi Schemes: Such as Geneva Gold, The Gold Guarantee (TGG), etc...
Hundred of Investors at Hong Lim Park on The Gold Guarantee Scam (06 Mar 2013)

* On Taxes

Government can change rule for all kind of tax:  Example:  
(Here is the link )

*On Inflation:

The value of money(cash) is contine to be depreciated over time due to inflation.
 Source: -
A very good source to check on many financial data from Money Supply, GDP, Debt, etc of various country worldwide.

Here is an Extreme case of Inflation...
This is what you can get for 100 billion zimbabwe dollars.

As many countries are increase their money supply today, and some call it as the age of "Currency War".  If thre is a war, there will be losers, and lot of time, there is no meaningful winner in the war as all public suffer.

*On Currency War:

A short interview with James Rickards - The author of the Book:
Currency Wars - The Making of the Next Global Crisis

*The Point of Finanical Self Defense is: DIY
The era of working hard in one job, save enough income to entrust a good fund manager to grow the money for retirement was over since the year 2000 tech bubble.  And, if someone has not started to educate him/herself to learn about managing his own investment account, please think again. 
Of course, Rome was not built in one day.  The road to learn/practise about investment involve risk of money and time committment. 
As Mark Twain said "Focus on the future, because that's where you going to spend the rest of your life."  So, if it is something very important and must be learned, start to read relevant books, start to attend seminars, including start to loose certain amount of money and gain experience...  While one still have the luxurious of time and money to do so.    See... A plane that take off from the same run way, just need to turn its direction a few degrees will alter its course by hundreds of miles...

"But trading and investing is like any other pursuit
—the longer you stay at it the more technique
you acquire, and anybody who thinks he
knows of a shortcut that will not
involve “sweat of the brow”
is sadly mistaken."
- Richard D. Wyckoff

----------------------------20 Oct 2019 ----------------------------

 Why did Henry Ford said so?  What did he know that you don't???

                                 ----------------------------24 May 2024 ----------------------------

Though Reserve Currency Status does not last forever, GOLD as money can trace back to 2000 B.C.

You don't have to buy or read the book...  BUT, you may be interested in the Most Important Charts in it, 2 of them is attached below... (1980 vs 2023 status, according to the book)

Amount of currency vs amount of GOLD (1980 vs 2023)

Gold Historical price in USD (Till 2023)

So, if your country is at the table, your live would be much easier, or else chances is that you got to work much harder to achieve the same living standard...

                                 ----------------------------27 Aug 2024 ----------------------------

Is There an Indicator to Forecast the Prosperous/Troubled Times of the World?

中国古人的智慧: "盛世古董,乱世黄金。"

Wisdom of the ancient Chinese: "Antiques are valuable in prosperous times, gold is valuable in troubled times."

So... IF it this true, then, according to the following chart, we are going to have an historical Big Troubled Times ahead with New Higher Highs...

                               ----------------------------3 Sep 2024 ----------------------------

Text book Theory derived from Historical events VS Current Market.

(You may Google search the picture for the source...)


Self Development Idea (16): Individual Destiny Enrichment (IDE) Program

Few weeks ago, I had a Chinese New Year gathering session with some old colleagues and friends, and we were talking about the GOOD OLD TIME... of Motorola.

There were many programs and cultures that were great, and I particularly like the Individual Dignity Entitlement (IDE) Program. 

The frist time I saw the six questions (as shown in the following picture) on a notice board while I was a young engineer travelled to Boynton Beach Factory in Florida about 20 years ago.  I got a strange feeling after reading through these questione carefully.  I didn't know if the feeling was FEAR or EXCITEMENT for the heart beat raised while thinking about the answers! 

For the fear part, I thought: What if I were to answer "NO" to some of these questions, then why AM I here with the company?  Would I get fire for that?  And, If I were to answer "Yes" to all the questions, I must be fooling myself or not thinking hard enough.

For the excitement part, I felt that there must be something I can learn and benefit from it as these questions ask something that I'd never seriously thought about.

Yes!  Under the Ex-CEO, Chris Galvin, the IDE program was launched world-wide, including new factories in China down to the operator level.

Of course, this program did not exist in the company for long time already, but the profound impact to many individual still exsit.

Be still, and think.
Why would we need to have an immediate boss to has a dialogue with us every three months in order to discover our very own problems and opportunities for improvement?

Why Not change only a few word*, as shown in the below diagram, and make it a very personal IDE (Individual Destiny Enrichment) Program and do personal review?

The good culture should continue to stay with the individual regardless the company continue to exist or not.

"If you don't put in effort to control your own destiny,
someone else will most willingly do it for you."
- unknown

By the way...
I read about some articles long time ago, mainly from WSJ, commented Chris Galvin was not living in a realistic world and took this program as an example.
And, I don't think so.  It must had taken extremely great courage for him to launch and roll out this program world-wide.  For many companies which only main goal is profits, the management would be ashamed to read through the original questions.

And, only until the people are tired of all those scandals, from big financial scandals to the milk powder scandals, and recent horse meat, people will eventually realize the vision of such profound program.

-----------------------------------------  Added on 28 Feb 2013  --------------------------------------------

[From the Harvard's Famous Success Principle]
The difference between the success and failure of a person is based on how he uses his after working hours. And his destiny is decided by how he use the time between 8.00pm to 10.00pm.

Every night, take 2 hours to read, study, think or involve in meaningful discussion or debate. You will discover that your life starting to change. Continue to persist this for years..... And Success will wave it's hand to you.

<Self Development>