In order to MAGA (Make America Great Again), it has to reduce its debt back to where and when it was Great, as shown in the Chart, for no country can be considered great when its Current Debt ($36.22T) is much larger than its GDP (around $29.17T in 2024).
Alan Greenspan on US Debt Printing :"We can always print money...."
Alan Greenspan made the statement "The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that" on August 7, 2011, during an interview with David Gregory on NBC's Meet the Press.
And recently there is news on Auditing its Gold Reserve in one of the Gold Storage Locations at Fort Knox.
So, what are the possible outcomes?
Case 1: Nothing is Lost. Not Likely, otherwise it is unnecessary.
Case 2: Nothing left. It’s a very scary scenario, and not likely to be reported.
Case 3: A Significant amount of Gold is Missing…Best Case scenario. Because, unlike crude oil, Gold can only be moved to different locations but not used up. And it will cause the GOLD price to Be Skyrocketing to a number out of people's imagination. Then slowly release them. Since a Bitcoin, like Tulip Bulbs, can rise to $100K, what about the value of Physical Gold Coil for 100gram?
If it can raise 50Times, then Half of the USA Debt can be wiped off by half. Then run the Bitcoin up further and release, another big chunk of US Debt can be wiped off, then let them be Tulip Bulbs again….
Well, again, this is just a Madman’s Dream for those who are holding Physical Gold… Silver is good too.
So, just in case…. Keep dreaming...
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