A Madman's Dream about the OUTCOME of the USA GOLD AUDIT!!!

In order to MAGA (Make America Great Again), it has to reduce its debt back to where and when it was Great, as shown in the Chart, for no country can be considered great when its Current Debt ($36.22T) is much larger than its GDP (around $29.17T in 2024).

Alan Greenspan on US Debt Printing :"We can always print money...."

Alan Greenspan made the statement "The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that" on August 7, 2011, during an interview with David Gregory on NBC's Meet the Press.

And recently there is news on Auditing its Gold Reserve in one of the Gold Storage Locations at Fort Knox.  

So, what are the possible outcomes?

Case 1: Nothing is Lost.  Not Likely, otherwise it is unnecessary.

Case 2: Nothing left. It’s a very scary scenario, and not likely to be reported.

Case 3: A Significant amount of Gold is Missing…Best Case scenario. Because, unlike crude oil, Gold can only be moved to different locations but not used up.  And it will cause the GOLD price to Be Skyrocketing to a number out of people's imagination.  Then slowly release them.  Since a Bitcoin, like Tulip Bulbs, can rise to $100K, what about the value of Physical Gold Coil for 100gram?

If it can raise 50Times, then Half of the USA Debt can be wiped off by half.  Then run the Bitcoin up further and release, another big chunk of US Debt can be wiped off, then let them be Tulip Bulbs again….

Well, again, this is just a Madman’s Dream for those who are holding Physical Gold…  Silver is good too.

So, just in case…. Keep dreaming...

Just A Thought On Those AI Stuffs...

While DeepSeek has open-sourced its models... many still cannot afford its "offline mode"! Any meaningful development must utilize offline deployment. Otherwise, you're essentially helping train its AI system through your contributions. For instance, when you pose an advanced query in online mode, you're effectively publicly disclosing your intellectual property - the system assimilates your thought patterns through gradient updates. The platform owners can then strategically evaluate its value proposition before deciding whether to publicize or withhold these enhanced capabilities... 
Offline mode ensures complete confidentiality of sensitive workflows. If you're authoring a confidential research manuscript, online models pose unacceptable security risks. However, subpar hardware specifications result in significantly degraded model performance... 

 This creates a self-reinforcing cycle: Capital-endowed entities achieve exponential capability growth through private AI systems, while resource-constrained developers face progressive technological obsolescence. This wealth-technology feedback loop operates at an accelerating pace, with computational requirements doubling every 10 months (per MLPerf 2024 benchmarks). 
(Well, this is the translation by Deepseek on following Chinese message...) 




Season Greeting 2025

Parallel Universes/Worlds is actually on Earth

For more than a decade, there has been this term called "Parallel Universe" or "Parallel World" -- meaning there are countless Universes/Worlds co-exist at the same time. And when one raises his/her personal consciousness/energy level, he/she can do a Quantum Jump to a higher level, better world...

Well, when you think about it... It doesn't need to be that complicated. And, that may be just an encoded-story.

See. If there is certain information not reaching your mind. To you, it means this stuff does not exist. And, there are these different levels, parallel on earth, of information on earth that created this chaos. Simple.

Do you know this important guy?

YouTube Link:


(0:00) In the industrial revolution of the 19th century, what humanity basically learned to produce was all kinds of stuff, like textiles and shoes and weapons and vehicles. And this was enough for very few countries that underwent the revolution fast enough to subjugate everybody else. What we're talking about now is like a second industrial revolution. 

But the product (0:28) this time will not be textiles or machines or vehicles or even weapons. The product this time will be humans themselves. We are basically learning to produce bodies and minds.  Bodies and minds are going to be, I think, the two main products of the next wave of all these changes.

(0:49) And if there is a gap between those that know to produce bodies and minds and those that do not, then this is far greater than anything we saw before in history. And this time, if you're not part of the revolution fast enough, then you probably become extinct. 

Once you know how to (1:08) produce bodies and brains and minds, so cheap labor in Africa or South Asia or wherever, it (1:14) simply counts for nothing.  Again, I think that the biggest question maybe in economics and politics of the coming decades will be what to do with all these useless people.  I don't think we have an economic model for that.

(1:30) My best guess, which is just a guess, is that food will not be a problem.

(1:36) With that kind of technology, you will be able to produce food to feed everybody. The problem is boredom. What to do with them? How will they find some sense of meaning in life when they are basically meaningless, worthless? My best guess at present is a combination of drugs and computer games.

十多年来,有一个词叫 “平行宇宙 ”或 “平行世界”--意思是有无数个宇宙/世界同时并存。当一个人提高了他/她的个人意识/能量水平,他/她就可以进行量子跳跃,进入一个更高层次、更好的世界......

仔细想想... 不需要那么复杂。而且,这可能只是一个编码故事。

看吧 如果有某些信息没有进入你的大脑 对你来说 就意味着这些东西并不存在 地球上存在着不同层次的平行信息,地球上的信息造成了这种混乱。很简单



 但这次的产品(0:28)将不是纺织品、机器或车辆,甚至不是武器。这次的产品将是人类本身。我们正在学习如何生产身体和思想。 我认为,身体和思想将成为下一波变革的两大主要产品。


 一旦你知道如何(1:08)生产身体、大脑和思想,那么非洲、南亚或其他地方的廉价劳动力(1:14)就什么都不算了。 同样,我认为未来几十年经济和政治领域最大的问题可能就是如何处理这些没用的人。 我不认为我们有这样的经济模式。





Self Development Idea (32): The Free State – Identify With Your Real Self – Your Beingness (1984) by Lester Levenson

Video Record in 1984,

You may find the video from YouTube with the same title: "The Free State" by Lester Levenson, the following is the transcripts.


The Free State – Identify With Your Real Self – Your Beingness (1984)

In a way, I will help you to identify better with that which you really are, and with a lot of helpful hints on how to identify with the Real You  the you that never ever changes, the you that's whole, complete, perfect.  The You that you are trying to get to, in everything that you are doing.  The You that you are looking for where it isn’t – externally.

One reason why I say it is easy is because you're trying to find You.  How difficult is that?  Also you're every moment experiencing the Real You.  But every moment looking away from it. 

But, you can't help but experience the Real You – when you say “I”, that is – “I Am.”  It is the beingness that you are – that is you.

How many of you would expect to have this carcass a thousand years from now?  A hundred years from now, even fifty years from now?  May be there is one of you. (Laughter)  Marilyn will tell us all about it.

Student: I'll be your age.

Lester: You can stay eighteen all your life it you want to. (Laughter)

And, if you really love your body that much, you’ll do it.  To stay in 18 all your life, may be 16, I don't know…   

But, we should look toward the part that we really are, bring it out, identify with it, make it part of our conscious living.  I Am I.  Get the sense of only I, I, I, I, I Am, I Am that I Am.  

When I say, “Are you?”  You say “Yes.”  O.K, that is!  Just “be” that ONLY. 

And you are in the ultimate state that you're all the time striving for with misery.  Misery is moving away from that state.  The only happiness there is – is being in your beingness.  

What you've heard me say is just quieting the mind through satisfying the desire.  And when the mind is quiet, you just being.  And that's the happiness you feel, and that's the only happiness there is.

How many have discovered that yet?  That there is only one single happiness – That’s when you being in your beingness.  

O.K, that is a big assist, because it should alleviate, do away with all that effort looking for it out there in a million directions.  Now, that doesn’t stop you from doing what you are doing out there.  It doesn’t matter what you dowhat matter is your attitude toward it, your understanding of it.   But it sure makes life much easier when you identify with your beingness!

Trying to get yourself placed on a scale of where you are.  It’s good to see yourself objectively, which you're probably discovering with the TV.  There's a double benefits you get from the skits.  

One is when you start, all your garbage, your emotion come up for releasing.  And then, when you watch it, it is entirely different, isn’t it, when you watch it?  Because the first part is very subjective,  “Is me with all my pet garbage!"

And, is not what it looks like objectively, we don’t see ourselves the way we really are.  So, when we come back and look at it, we want to hide most of it, don’t we?  “That’s not me, I didn’t do that...”  But, you see yourself objectively, it helps you move into the points of garbage that you are very much avoiding.

So, when you identify as to where you are, and you see it objectively, you can say, “Oh boy!  I am on first step.”  Or, “I am on the tenth step, I got to move.”  So, identifying is part of seeing yourself objectively.

And there are three parts that you think you are:

You are your beingness, that is the real part of you.  Which sets up your mind and then develops all these Programs over the ages.  And the programs motivate the thinking.  And the Programs are your Feelings.  

I don’t know whether any part of the world that psychologist and psychiatrist today accept feelings as programs.  They're so blinded as to what they are.  I think they accept them as natural and right, just adjust them a little bit, so things get a little better. 

But, Feelings are simply Programs, subconscious, automated programs of how we react to the external world.  And, every one of them had been put in as a pro-survival program in order to keep the body surviving.   

How many of you have seen that  that all these feelings are survival program?  Well, that’s Great!  You get to see how silly it is, when you trying to survive a situation that you are eternal in.  And that is what you are doing. 

You've got no choice, you are eternal.  All these struggles trying to survive, but wherein is the error?  What do you trying to survive? – The carcass.  As I used to say, "If you are driving around in a car, it's your case."  It's got you closed in there.  So has this carcass [body].

So, in your beingness, you create your mind, and start programming everything, and you think you are the body, and you think the world is external to you – after you have created it. 

You Let Go, by remembering that you created the whole thing, and it's all created here in your mind.  Change your picture mentally and instantly change it out there – called the Miracle!  

I believe most of you have experience instantaneous changes out there.  How many have experience?  What am I talking for?  You know it. [Laughter]

But there's nothing out there, but just sum total thinkingness.  Most of which is subconscious, and therein lies the problem. 

Subconscious mean simply we do not want to look at it.  The mind is a tremendous mystery to the world because they don’t understand what it is.   They can't see the simplicity of it – it's the sum total of all your feelings and thoughts, that’s all.  How simple it is.  It's a collection of your feelings and thoughts.  And everything you experience is via the mind.  Go unconscious, the mind out the way, and there is no experiencing.

So, do your best to identify where you are at.  Most of the time, are you identifying with your body and the world?  The answer is yes.  I wouldn't let you answer that one. [Laughter]

But you can make it otherwise.  You continue in what you are doing, but shift your identity from being the body just to being.  Identify with the Beingness, and you just sit and watch the world goes by.  

You get into a state of witnessing, you don’t even feel yourself moving because you cannot – you are omnipresent.

When you identify with you Beingness, you discover that you are everywhere present in the entire universe.  

And should you choose, you can take a look-see anywhere in the universe without moving because you are there.  You don’t even have to do Astral Travel.  You are Omnipresent.  Astral Travel is in the Mind.  Astral Body and Mind are almost one and the same thing.

So, identify where you are at, make a decision to cut the journey short – GO FREE.  Why agony when you can be free?   So, the Real You is the Beingness.  The Ego-you is 2 and 3(refer to the diagram above), is in your Mind and your Body.

And your three states that you identify with are Beingness, Doingness, and Havingness.  And with this you can relate to the Chart of Emotion.  Apathy, Greed and Fear are down in Havingness Only.  

When you are down there, you think of your welfare, your wherewithal – depends on how much you can have, and you spend all your time trying to make and have.

You move up into Lust, Anger, Pride, and Courageousness.  You move into a Doingness.  Instead of thinking your welfare lies in Having, you feel that you got to be a Doer

Of course, that's an advance state.  Only 5 percent of us are Doers.  95 percent of us are wanting to Have.  When we are down so low that we are putting ourselves in the state of being a slave – we must have a job!  Someone must told us what to do, and give us the food that we eat, and the money to get our lodgings. 

The ONLY reason why people work in jobs is that we are having a slave consciousness, we are down in the Havingness.  Apathy, Greed and Fear that is where most people are riding them majority of the times.  

Move up into Courageousness, Pride, anger and Lust, then you got to be a Doer.  Which is a much freer state than being a slave.

And, when you get into the state of “I Can Do”, you've got enough wish and well to move to the top.  Because you discover when you're just quiet in the being that's the nicest thing there is, and with the Doingness energy, you'll work harder to drop the remaining limitations –  the AGFLAP, so that you can remain in just to Be all the Time. 

Now, that sense of beingness is not related to the world.  It's relates to how you look at the world.  You watch the world go by, you watch yourself, you watch your own body moving around like you now watch other bodies.  You see your body objective to you like you see other body objective to you.

So, do your best to move up to constantly identify with your Beingness.  Hold “I Am” or “I – I – I” Only.  I Am my beingness – I Am, I Am I Am-ness.  

And then when you get to be a Doer, then do your best to see that you're not the Doer, that all that are objective to you.  Take the attitude – “I Am not the Doer.”  

And what happens there is you let go the Ego-sense of doing and shift into allowing the higher power or whatever you call to do it.  In religion, they say “Let go, Let GOD.”   Can he do it?  Yeah, he can do everything.

When you let go of your Ego-sense, you automatically move into your beingness.  And that takes care of everything with no effort, your life become totally effortless. 

And start from Taking ALL Your Happiness FROM You.  Recognize that every joy you have is that nice quiet place of just being, where your desires are out of the way. Even though you're taking pleasure from the world, try to recognize that – that pleasure is being you – your mind is quiet. 

Now on the way, we should identify anyone as us, see everyone as you.  And that's what happen when you see that you are beingness, and that your beingness is all beingness, so it includes everyone.  So, you see other people as you. 

Then try to identify with everything out there, every atom as you, because it is your making.  And when you identify with it, you'll get to see that you created everything you're experiencing.  It is all in your mind – all your experiencing.  

It's all in your creative mechanism.  Mind is only creative.  It creates with thoughts that we hold in Mind. And, in the end, Knowing means Being.  You can get to know yourself as two things: I knowing myself, I Am myself.

So, the ultimate knowing drop away into being, all knowledge drop away into being.  

You let go of all the accumulation, that you spend lifetimes accumulating in the way of knowledge, because it's all lesser knowledge than omniscience.  It is all limited knowledge, limited by the mind.  

And, you let it go and you discover that you're omniscience, you are all-knowingness, after which you don’t have to work hard thinking.  There is no more thinking, you're knowing.  And in knowingness, there's no thinkingness.  So, see nothing out there but your sum-total thinkingness.

By the way, I think it'd be good if you'd write this down.  To be used in the future as a reminder, as a refresher.  Did everyone get the first chart?  Or is there anyone who did not get the first part?  Write it down, you can use this in the future.  This is stuff I believe you don't read in books, or do you read in books? 

Student:  No.  Not till this morning.

Lester: They'll give it to you in one sentence, but not broken down this way.  So it's good to have it where you can keep looking at it until you become it, for the capital 'I'.

This is Taking Responsibility for everything that happens to you “What did I do to cause all these awful thing?”  

Develop that habit, and your initiating thoughts will start coming up, and you'll release them.  So that negative happenings out there will stop.  The less negative happenings, the more positive happenings, the quieter your life is, the easier it is to go on.

If you constantly being plagued by death facing you, it is difficult for you to release.  But, if your life is easy, you're in a better place to release.  You're not so fearful of your programs any more.  

You will able to allow up the bottom program of the fear of dying, the fear of living, and release it.  And when you continue this, see nothing out there but your sum-total thinkingness, then you discover there is, in actuality, nothing out there but my beingness. 

Which remind me of Vivekananda.  He said, “When you get to the end of the line, you discover that there was anything but I all alone.”  

I, my beingness, is the totality of all beingness, and that's the only real thing there is.  Your beingness never ever changes, your beingness is eternal. 

And, because it never changes, it's the only truth.  If something changes, there was not true the moment before.  For a thing to be true it has to remain as it is.  And the only thing that you will ever experience that does not change is your beingness, which you are right now, identify and move toward your beingness. 

And you reach a point where you begin to see no objectivity, nothing's apart from me.  There is nothing out there but the my sum-total thinkingness.  You are me.  Every atom in the universe is me.  This is what you will see, as you stay, as you identify with your beingness. 

Here we're just trying to scratch for a little piece of it, and the totality of it is ours – GOD creation.

So, we work and work, and release and release until there are no thoughts.  Now, every one of you experience moments when there are no thoughts, and it's a tremendous state.  

But as long as there's a piece of garbage left, it comes into play and pulls you from that nice quiet place.  And, some of us think it's the noise out there that's is real, not the beingness.  And we move away from it rather than try to stay in the state of beingness.

And when you get there, you'll be intuitive only.  You'll operate in the world without thinking.  You be offensive to no one. You'll have answers for everyone. You can talk to people on their subject and help them.  

And as you're doing it, you're watching your body talking and answering their questions, and you're just listening to it just like they are.  Sometimes you say,  "Wow, that sounds Good!" [Laughter]

So, do not identify with your body and mind.  What is left?  Your Beingness, your Is-ness, your are-ness, your am-ness, your existent-ness.  That's the part you that is real, whole-complete-perfect-eternal.  

That's the part of it that you are struggling to get to in everything that you are doing.  You never rest until you get there!

Summed up: Have NO ATTACHMENTS AND NO AVERSIONS, AND YOU WILL HAVE EVERYTHING.  You have the ALL, the universe will be yours.  Why?  It's your universe.  You created it.  It was yours in the first place.

And this is a little bait.  Because you're wanting so many things.  I'm telling you, you can have a piece of real estate, you can have the whole world, you can have all the other worlds, you can have the omniverse if you're released.  Because it's your creation.  You could duplicate and make two of these, two moniverses. 

But of course, when you get there, why do you want to carry that load on your back?  You don't.  You let it be, you just remain identifying with your beingness, which is the greatest thing there is, barring not.

Let's see if there's more.  Here are words indicating the free state. The can help you in setting your goals.  

The word I like best is "Imperturbability"【如如不动】the place where nothing can ever disturb you again, and a place where no person can disturb you.   You just look at the other one and you allow the other one to be in what the other one wants, and it doesn't disturb you, one iota.  Even if they want to kill you, how can it disturb you?  You're eternal.

The greatest disturber of everything, the cause of all turbulence of the mind, perturbations, masturbations, everything, is desire.  It just spins us into this tremendous swirl of what we're into.  

Aim for "Desirelessness".  Aim to release all your desires.

For Effortlessness, do your best to move towards less and less effort.  Of course, you've got to move up, out of the Havingness state into the Doingness state, before you can make thing Effortless.  So, when you let go and identify with your beingness, thing becomes "Effortless".

And as, I guess, most of you have heard me say, “Every impossible, no matter how impossible, becomes immediately possible when we are completely released on it.  And you know you're completely released when you just don't give a hoot.”

Student: Lester, can you please repeat that, I want to write it down.

Lester: Every impossible, no matter how impossible, becomes immediately possible when we are completely released on it.  And you know you're completely released when you just don't give a hoot.  

The sense of Actionlessness of not being the Doer.  Work towards that, and towards Witnessing everything that's happening.  Sit back and be the witness of it.  And when you reach the top, all these things are in place.  That's the way you will be.

Those are the five words that I like best for the top state.  You might have some other words you could add to it.

And so to close, on a sense of humor which most of you have seen – Apathy, Grief, Fear, Lust, Anger, Pride, Courageousness, Acceptance, and Peace.  We Must Get Rid of the AGFLAP in order to CAP it.

And, looking from the Right to Left, CAP spells P-A-C, and this is the PAC-Man.  The C-A-P is the PAC-Man that gobbles up the AGFLAP.  But, you need to get up here to the CAP, in order to gobble up the AGFLAP completely. (You must get high to release.)  

It's from the high points, that you'll reach down into the suppressed ‘fear of dying’, allow it up, so that you can let it out [for releasing].

O.K.  That is the end of my talk for today.  

Be yourself, you've got no choice.  No matter how much you try otherwise, you'll always end up, eventually, just being yourself only.  

So, why Not Now?  Why Take Time?  

O.K.  Thank you.

-----------------------  End of Transcription   --------------------------

       The reason for having a transcript in black and white is explained by one of the Lester Levenson audio clip as follows:...

“Momentum is very important in getting realizations.  You stay with something, it becomes clearer and clearer as you stay with it.  But if it starts getting clear and you move off, when you come back on to it, it's more difficult to get into it again.

And so, I am anti-talks, tapes, because of that.  I can see it doing harm in that it doesn't let you stay with something, because the conversation goes on and on and you move off one thing onto another — to another without getting a realization of any one of them.  I believe you got much more good out of reading the book…” —  Lester Levenson. 

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-> Next Session: Yet to decide....